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Dear families!

Related to the topic, last week, the fourth grade students carried out the project of the unit.  They made some delicious bread rolls in class, working in groups and helping each other. We need to practice a bit more but we had a good time and most of the rolls were delicious!

 We share some photos that we hope you like. 


Familia agurgarriak:

Hiruhileko honetako lehen unitatea amaitzeko, joan den astean laugarren mailako ikasleek  proiektua  gauzatu zuten. Ogi-opil zoragarri batzuk egin ahal izan zituzten taldelanean elkarri lagunduz. Pixka bat gehiago praktikatzeko beharra daukagun arren, zuekin partekatu ditugun argazkietan argi geratzen da  lanaz gozatu zutela.