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Dear parents!

In relation to the topic “Granny, Let’s make a cake!”, our students have prepared some sweet and delicious lemon cupcakes. 

If you want to do it at home, here you are the recipe: 

Taste and enjoy!


Dear parents!

Gaiarekin lotuta gure ikasleek cupcake gozo eta zoragarri batzuk egin zituzten pasa den ostiralean.

Etxean egin nahiko bazenute, hemen duzue errezeta:

Dastatu eta gozatu!!

Julen eta Goizane


                                                                                                          Julen and Goizane

1 lemon yoghurt (limoizko yogurra)

3 cups of flour (irina)

1 sachet of baking powder (legamia)

2 cups of sugar (azukrea)

1 cup of oil (olioa)

3 eggs (arraultzak)

Labean erre 40 minutu inguru 180·C-ko tenperaturara.